Life of Megan

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Last Year's Resolutions

Last year, on Dec. 28, I posted a bunch of resolutions for the year. Here's a review and how I did.

Greater than 75% Probability of Success

  • Lose 5-10 more pounds and keep the weight off
    Done! My weight has fluctuated a bit since the fall began, but I have consistently kept off a total of 45-50 lb since I began my weight-loss journey, May 2008.

  • Write back to people who send me letters and things
    Sadly, I was not nearly as good with this resolution as I'd hoped. I'll be trying again this year!

  • Continue to learn and to keep a great attitude at work
    Despite adding a bunch of responsibilities to my job, I think I've been quite successful with this one.

  • Advance my running to the next level
    Victory again! I built up to nearly 45 miles per week while training for the marathon and have stayed injury free. After the marathon, I cranked it back a bit. I'm currently revving back up to 30-35 mpw. I think 45 is probably a bit much for me.

Greater than 50% Probability of Success

  • Incorporate strength training into my exercise routine
    I was successful at first but then stopped trying. Better luck next year.

  • Train for and run a fall marathon
    Yes! I ran the Wineglass Marathon in October, finishing in 4:23.

  • Dress myself more professionally
    I have my moments, but I still dress like a casual engineer.

Less than 25% Probability of Success

  • Leave my fingernails alone
    I currently have white showing on all ten nails. Does that count? I'm going to try much harder this year. I need a plan.


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