Friends of the library sale
Today I went to the semiannual Friends of the Library booksale right here in Ithaca. This sale helps make up for the fact that McKay's Used Books is in Knoxville, Tennessee. I ended up buying four books: Huis Clos/Les Mouches, La Peste, Sophie's Choice, and Tom Wolfe's A Man in Full. It cost me a total of $1.00. The French books are actually in French. Huis Clos belonged to the Ithaca Public High School library and was last checked out by a guy named Didier.
Pretty cool.
Pretty cool.
So I guess you don't need me to pick those up for you now. ;)
Enjoy Huis clos. It made me like Sartre.
By RebeccaP, at 4:59 AM
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