Life of Megan

Sunday, October 05, 2008

Kitchen Renovation, Day 7

Today was a good example of how you don't always get what you want. We finished the first coat of paint last night at midnight. Then we kept ourselves awake until 1:00 so that we could check to see whether we'd need a second coat. It was pretty obvious we did. Because of the amount of trim we had to paint (two doors, a third threshold, and the window) and needing to get the ceiling done, we knew we needed to get up early to get that second coat done as quickly as possible.

So we got up at 7:00 this morning and got working. Then we went to play board games while we waited for the paint to dry. The Cheap-Ass game "The Big Idea" turned out to be fun. We also played hearts and one round of Pitch. So it was more of a card-gaming session.

Anyhow, we came home around 2:00 or 2:30 and checked the paint. It still felt a little tacky, but it wasn't leaving any fingerprints, and our tape test didn't show any problems. Unfortunately, it turned out that no tape would stick to it, so we couldn't mask.

We painted the doors and all outer trim (stuff that was already masked). That took a while. We took a break, and then we went to dinner. We got home and started working again around 6:30.

The tape still wouldn't stick. My best guess is that with the darker paint, plus the high humidity and cooler temperatures, the paint drying time is far longer than normal. We had to get the ceiling done, or it'd be nearly impossible, so we decided to freehand the edging, since anywhere that would eventually be visible would be reasonable to mask and touch-up later with the red. Also, we didn't really have a choice. We'll get to the trim in a day or two when we can spend the time and when the paint is good and dry.

All in all, we worked our butts off this weekend, and we made good progress. We're not where we wanted to be, but realistically, we're not very far away, either. We wish our paint (it's a satin finish) was a little less shiny, but maybe that's partly that it's not completely dry. On the other hand, it's not too bad. And I can still move my hands enough to type, which is a good sign.

The color doesn't seem to be coming through too well on my monitor, but I'm trying to provide pics just the same. Another note on the photos: a lot of places, it looks like we have problems or need a third coat. It's not like this in real life--the problem is largely related to sheen and uneven walls.

Back corner.

Front corner.


Door to mudroom.

Front corner again. Spot on ceiling is undried paint (it rolls on pink).


  • Awesome!! Love the color and Daddy and I have found most of the gloss goes away as it dries. You could set up a fan in the room and that will speed things along. Work will be nice can rest!! :)

    By Blogger Lynn Thompson, at 10:02 PM  

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