Life of Megan

Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Before and After

Last year around this time, I started taking weight loss seriously. I found Calorie Count. I slowly but steadily increased my running. I ignored the Biggest Loser efforts around work and on TV to focus on something more sustainable. And slowly but surely, I lost the weight.

By mid-February, I had lost at least 50 pounds and achieved my goal weight. My BMI is now 23. For my body type, my weight is ideal. I feel good, and I look good. I still have plenty of days where I think I have a big tummy. I wish my face were more oval. I actually repeat a mantra daily that I should be happy with myself just the way I am. I try to see myself the way others see me. And I have to say that I'm more secure with myself than I have ever been. I like shopping now and getting dressed. I think I look cool when I'm out running. I don't mind having my picture taken. I feel sexy.

We all know that we can make little life changes that have great impacts in the long run. Here's a little more proof. Here's what a daily calorie deficit of 500-800 did for me:

Oh, and in case you are as critical of photos of me as I am (unlikely), that is not a tummy pouch on the right--that is me stupidly pushing my shirt out. I think. Yeah, I'm still a little crazy--what can you do? Also, sorry, Dad, that I cut you out of the picture on the left. ;-)


  • awesome!! that is an amazing difference. congratulations. you worked hard! :)

    By Blogger amelia, at 3:47 PM  

  • you look great! i need to take crib notes for you...


    By Blogger ct, at 1:17 PM  

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